Moving forward: What’s the right balance between incentives, investments and regulation to achieve a just transition?

15:30 - 15:50
In this closing session, we will summarise the key themes and opportunities from the past two days. Our panellists will emphasise the critical solutions needed to achieve net-zero, highlighting the importance of strategic actions over rushed reforms that might overlook positive impacts.
We aim to outline actionable pathways and concrete steps through transformative practices and multi-stakeholder collaboration for a sustainable and equitable future in the fashion industry.

Get in touch

For any questions on the conference, please contact:

Niamh Campbell
Project Manager

Sign up

Registration for the sustainable apparel conference is currently open. To sign up, you can do so online here.


For more information and to inquire, please contact:

Gabriela Cuison
Business Development Manager 

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Apparel and textiles
Plastics and packaging
Food and agriculture
Scope 3 and climate
Responsible sourcing and ethical trade
Landscapes and commodity sourcing